St. Anne's Youth Ministry is built and run by the efforts, generosity, and time of volunteers with a range of gifts and talents. If you feel God's tug on your heart to serve His youth we ask you to consider joining our Youth Ministry team.
If you are feeling called to serve or would like more information please email us at saintanneym@gmail.com.

Core Team
The Core Team consists of passionately Catholic volunteers that gather to plan, set up, and put on Life Nights or EDGE Nights.
Core members attend Youth Ministry events with a zeal for being a Christ-like model. We laugh with our teen's joys and we cry with our teen's pain.
If you feel called to join the front lines of Youth Ministry consider the Core team!

Prayer Ministry
In the words of St. Alphonsus, "Without prayer we have neither light nor strength to advance in the way which leads to God."
Our Prayer Ministry is dedicated to spending some time praying for St. Anne's Youth Ministry, our teens and their families, and all our volunteers. Prayer Ministers will be put on an email list where they receive emails with prayer intentions and scheduled prayers such as Novenas, Rosaries, Liturgy of the Hours, etc.

Meal Ministry
Every Sunday at the start of Life Teen we provide a free dinner for our teens. The dinner is a very important part of our High School Youth Ministry. It is during dinner where relationships develop and discussion with new friends begin. Like Jesus did with his disciples, we too gather to "break bread" with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
The Meal Ministry comes together to plan dinner for each Sunday gathering. Dinners are either cooked as a joint effort or divided between volunteers for designated weeks.

Fundraising Team
St. Anne's Youth Ministry holds and partakes in many events through the year, ranging from attending the summer Steubenville East conference to our annual winter retreat. To ensure that our ministry can continue to offer the most for our youth as well as ensuring that all youth may attend, regardless of financial situation, our fundraising team focuses on way to raise funds for our ministry. The fundraising team works on making all we do financially possible.

Confirmation Small Group Leader
Our Small Group Leaders are dedicated to imparting the faith to our Confirmation candidates. With the support of St. Anne's Confirmation Director and the Chosen Confirmation program our Small Group Leaders are prepared and ready to lead our teens on their sacramental journey. Each small group is led by two Leaders who gather with 12-15 students for a six class program. You can find more information on our Confirmation program here.